Mike Stopforth

Mike Stopforth is an expert communicator and facilitator, passionate about exploring ideas and building value at the intersection of leadership, technology, and impact.

He is the Managing Director of Flume Digital Marketing, one of South Africa’s leading independent full-service agencies. In his role at Flume he equips senior business leaders with the knowledge and skills to navigate the digital age and keep themselves – and their organisations – relevant and competitive both now and into the future.

Mike is a digital pioneer. Before Beyond Binary, he founded Africa’s leading social media agency Cerebra, which WPP acquired in 2013. In 2007, Mike co-founded Afrigator.com, an African content aggregator, which sold to Naspers. He is a globally-renowned public speaker, lecturer and moderator. Having spoken at close to 500 conferences, some of his feedback includes:

  • “Best speaker of the day. Great Energy!” and “absolutely brilliant. Would love to see more of his presentations”.
  • “I organised TEDx Pretoria where Mike shared his ‘Ideas worth spreading’. Although he had another event on the same day, he showed up early, enthused and ready for action. Mike not only has amazing talent as a presenter, he is also knowledgeable and passionate. I would definitely recommend him.” – Linda Swart
  • “I’ve known Mike Stopforth for the past decade and on a dozen occasions or more he’s addressed various events my company hosts in the media and brand communications space. In a sea of mediocre speakers, Mike is one of a kind. His subject knowledge is encyclopaedic, relevant and cutting edge. He adds huge value to the digital and social media debate.” – Jeremy Maggs, veteran broadcaster.

In 2014 Mike published #BrandSchizo – a business book designed to help brands navigate the opportunities and challenges of the social era of business.

He was named one of South Africa’s “300 Young South Africans to take to lunch” by the Mail & Guardian newspaper, one of “35 men of influence under 35 years of age” by GQ magazine and an “exceptional industry guru” in Destiny Man magazine.

Mike co-founded the 27dinner social networking events.
