Joni Peddie

Joni, as a Behavioural Strategist, enables Leaders, their Teams, and team Members to become ‘response-ready resilient’. Joni demystifies resilience by assessing the four interconnected dimensions, being

  • MIND
  • BODY

Pandemic-driven turbulent ‘waves’ of change and uncertainty have ignited immense mental and emotional ‘strain’. Burnout has increased by about 33% worldwide. People are battling
with general fatigue, and therefore have very little energy and agility to ‘ride’ these waves of change.

Joni addresses these issues in a pragmatic fashion in her keynote talks; participative workshops and longer-term, facilitator-led programmes.

She will either cover a single topic in-depth or a ‘mix of topics’ to suit your needs, and those can include.

  • EQ (Emotional Intelligence)
  • the Enneagram System of Personality
  • mental well-being
  • emotional well-being
  • the science of sleep
  • Resilience Up©.

Many of these are under-pinned by validated assessments. ‘Sustainable behaviour change begins with measurement’. We also know that measurement is meaningless, unless there are ‘practical’ techniques used to address both the challenges, and the opportunities.

Joni’s personal purpose is to inspire actionable resilience for people who choose to live their optimal life.

She walks her talk and that’s demonstrated in how she self-manages and collaborates within in which she works.

Joni’s works with teams, organisations and business schools and currently, these are her most-requested presentation topics:

  • How to Resilience Up© in Turbulent Times.
  • Knowing Yourself is the beginning of Wisdom (using the Enneagram Personality
  • 5 ways to become ‘response-ready’ resilient, using BOOST ©
  • the difference between IQ, EQ and Personality, and which of these shifts the dial?
  • sleep is the ‘Swiss Army Knife’ of health. Harnessing your sleep is a game changer
  •  6 science-backed ways to REBOOT, to reduce your Stress.
  • Energy-management is the new Stress-management: tiny habit changes make a difference!
  • How to #ChoosetoChallenge. International Women’s Day Theme for 2021

Besides being a Facilitator; Exec Coach & Keynote Speaker, Joni is also:

  • The Association President of the PSASA 2020/2021 (Professional Speaking Association of  Southern Africa)
  • a Board Member and Steering Committee Member of the GSF (Global Speaking Federation)
  • the preferred partner for Six Seconds International (for South Africa
  • co-author of the book: ‘FAB: Experience Resilience and fight fatigue’ co-founder of the Enneagram Institute in South Africa